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Who’s on First?

Do you really know who’s on first? It’s surprising how often the answer is no or maybe. Yet only when your answer is yes are you a team.

At The Olympia Collective, teamwork is one of our seven core values. We define it as follows: “We know our Collective roles, play them well, and unconditionally depend on each other.” We all know which teammate is on each base, we know they are positioned where they are most likely to win, and we depend on each other and a clear, shared direction to bring in home runs.

Ironically, although we are hired by our clients with the goal of generating revenue, what I have found is that we are almost always doing something else first before money can flow. We are actually creating (or increasing) teamwork.

We help our clients know their roles by realigning organizational structures, editing job descriptions, and updating organizational charts so that revenue is maximized. We help make sure that each board member, CEO/ED, and staff member is positioned in the right role that both leverages their strengths and talent and drives the strategic plan of the organization. We help teams establish trust, communication lines, and dependencies in the midst of these changes. Then we create shared dashboards that serve as tangible scorecards that records each team win.

So, as you head into your next meeting, ask yourself, “Who’s on first?” If the answer is not immediate, consider this an opportunity to take the lead in defining roles, putting the right people in the right positions, and creating a safe place for trust to grow. You’ll find out soon enough that this simple answer is really what makes a team work.

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